Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Fromhomedataentry.com Scam

Ok folks here we go again. Fromhomedataentry.com seems to be the spawn of Realdataentry.net. Remember them? They were a spinoff of Dataprocessors.org. Their scam has once again been refined and it's time to expose and shut down their site.

Here's what they've changed: the terms of service are now listed on their site, make sure you READ THEM. If you remember in one of my earlier post I mentioned the terms were not listed until after you upgrade. Here's a shock...75% of the content from their terms are duplicate to the terms for realdataentry.net!

They've also added a "Scam Free Certification" to their site...I'm currently researching this and I'll let you know my results as it appears this is their second certification. Wonder why the first one dumped them?!?!

They've added a phone number to their site that when called does not identify the name of the company....you only get to leave a message. Looks professional but then again so did the other site that made you feel all warm and fuzzy by pushing the family thing. Remember my tip about using the site Whois.net? Well it seems ALL the information for this site is listed as unknown except for the name of the servers they use (which they own).

Anyhow, stay tuned as I have been doing other research and I'll post those findings as soon as I can.

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